Gateway Bible Church

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"Bold Vision" (Selected Texts), Pastor David Doster, March 4 2018

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March 4 2018 Burke Community Bible Church

"Bold Vision"

I. Gospel living                                                                    (Introduction)

Our Mission: Why We Exist

We are committed to building a community of fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who love God, love each other , and impact a needy world!

II. Our vision: What we purpose to do

Our objective is to become a church that exemplifies the life changing reality of Christ in an ever-changing world by equipping our members so that they live lifestyles of spiritual integrity which are:


●1.  We believe the Bible is verbally inspired by God, error free in the original writing, and the supreme authority of faith and   practice  for the believer in Jesus Christ.

2. Personally pure

3. Family focused

4. Socially responsible

5. Evangelistically bold

III. A vibrant growing body of believers

The result: A vibrant growing community of believers who are committed to impacting and influencing their respective communities and the world abroad for Christ.We believe that success in ministry is defined by God not man’s ideas or cultural standards. We welcome and affirm our dependence upon His leading and the truth that He has revealed to His church through His Word.